Friday, July 22, 2016

The only reason I go out

My younger sister likes to get involved in the girls youth ministry at our church, but has a bit of trouble clicking with the other girls. I used to not go to events because I don't feel accepted, I feel very judged. But my sister has expressed her distress about "making friends" to me. So now I try my best to go with her. I ask her if she wants to go to events that may be happening and I make sure I can go. The only reason I go to these events is to help my sister feel safe, comfortable and confident. Friends, siblings are important, remember that please, because one night you will get up at 3am to pee and you will hear them sobbing as you walk past your door. I used to be part of the reason that happened. Please don't hurt your siblings, they need you more than you think.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

An open letter

I want to restart. this restart is a clean slate for us, which means that to me, we are literally just starting to date. Everyone else might think we are "still together" but for me this restart means we are actually just starting and that we weren't together before. That means in my eyes, Im a virgin. That also means you don't know anything about me, and I don't know anything about you. You need to get to know me again. That means that you need to treat this like a new relationship if you want it to continue, because I'm not going to waste another summer waiting for a boyfriend to reply to my texts all day. This also means that to me, right now you are just some guy I like and that you aren't my boyfriend yet, you have to earn the title again. This is your second chance to make this work, and if you can't make it work this time, I'm not sure I'll be able to make it work.