Sunday, December 20, 2015

Senses overloaded

You read in books about how a girls lovers lips burn with passion, but his lips aren't like that. They are warm, like melted butter, and gentle as a summer breeze. when his lips touch my skin it melts into little puddles full of love. And his hands, they are kind and comforting, running over every curve like water from a brook. His arms are safe, they wrap around me like they are where I belong, constantly pulling be closer. I can't ever get enough of him, I would breath his air all day if I could. He is funny and playful, always teasing, kissing me when I can't have him, holding me close, but not close enough, saying things that make me blush. When we are apart he is all I can think about. 

Friday, November 27, 2015

A theory on empty glasses

People say that optimism is when you see the glass as half full and pessimism is when you see the glass as half empity. Today I realized it dosnt matter how you look at the glass, but how you get it to the half way point: if you are only filling the glass half way, or if you are emptying the glass to the half way point 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


Music is the best way to lose yourself, whether it's at 5am or in the middle of the afternoon. Volume effects your musical expiriences a great deal, wether it's at a low constant humm or at blaring ear splitting highs. Some people use their headphones to block out idiots, others use music as a constant in a world full of anxiety. I personally listen to music so I don't act on my feelings. Music is always changing, and there are sooo many different types of music, all that make you feel different things 

Monday, October 26, 2015


Sleep is a fickle thing. I seem to sleep better in small chunks, going to bed late and waking up early. Things like daylight savings throw me off. I don't really like sleep though, unlike most.


Something I've discovered is that there is drama everywhere, and it will try to ruin your friendships, and the good things you've got going. The best thing to do about drama is avoid it, because it's never worth it.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

An Explanation

Thoughts say a lot about who you are as a person. I'm trying to figure out who I am, and think that writing it down might help. If you have the same thoughts, let me know, if you hare relating thoughts don't hesitate to share!